The Anne Harris Children's Fund


Bringing A Touch Of Magic To Children's Lives

 [Merlin The Wizard]

Anne Harris (A Biography)

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Born in St. Andrews, Scotland, of British parents, Anne and her sister, Lorna, spent much of their childhood in Nairobi, Kenya and Entebe, Uganda. The family returned to the UK when Anne was 16.

At the age of 21, Anne married Chris. They have three children, Zoë, Tanya and Jonathan, and three grandchildren, Kia, Zeff and Manni.

In 1992, Anne took her family to Bristol International Kite Festival, an event that was to change their lives.

Her son Jonathan, then aged 12, was the first to have his life changed when he discovered kite buggying. His involvement with buggying gained him a Blue Peter [ External Link ] badge and a Guiness World Record [ External Link ]. He also featured on the Children's BBC program Activ8.

Anne was always there, supporting Jonathan, and was always known as "Jonathan's Mum." She decided to create her own contribution to the world of kiting, if only so that people would remember her name!

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